Friday, August 20, 2010

I'll gamble away my fright and I'll gamble away my time

Artist- Beirut
Song of the day- Nantes

My friend Mike who I met only once and believe I referred to him all night as "Hall" of "Hall & Oates" at a costume party (even though he was neither artist), has already surpassed his coolness on my friend scale for introducing me to some hip beats including today's musician. Tonight as I was eating some Italian ice in Little Italy I was reminded of the feel this song brings and was sure Beirut was Italian or European or from some hip foreign place that wasn't Sante Fe, New Mexico where he's actually from. Regardless, Beirut charmed my socks off and ever since I saw this video I hope every day that when I walk down my flight of stairs there is a full band awaiting to play me down. One day, one fine day. Maybe if I carry a seashell with me? But also I get addicted to phrases of lyrics as you've probably noticed and this is no exception. Cuz if you're like me, whenever anyone is sad you feel the need to do whatever it takes to make it go away. It reminds me of this quote my friend had on her wall the other day "Inconvenience yourself today for someone you love." Sounds like grand advice to me....or you can just show up in their stairwell with musical instruments, I think that'd work too. So let's all go out and get inconvenienced!

BEIRUT - Nantes - from The Flying Club Cup
Uploaded by flyingclubcup. - See the latest featured music videos.

Well it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile
and I'll gamble away my fright
and I'll gamble away my time
and in a year, a year or so
this will slip into the sea
well it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile

nobody raise their voices
just another night to mourn to
nobody raise their voices
just another night to mourn to

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