Artist- Imogen Heap
Song of the day- Just for now
Today's song I at first did not realize was a holiday song, though it played on "The Holiday" and landed a pretty sweet cover on Kelly Clarkson's Christmas album as well. But listening to the lyrics I realized it sums up a pretty big part of the season, where "just for now" we leave the trouble of the world, all our craziness and hopelessness aside to enjoy each other to enjoy peace and hearth though the bickering and crowds and hustle and bustle, it's difficult and something we have to continuously remind ourselves to come back to which Heap covers perfectly. And also it's insane to watch her first and craft an entire song with just her voice. So just for now, take time to enjoy an artist's amazing holiday creation.
Just for now, just for now, just for now
Just for now, just for now, just for now
It's that time of year
Leave all our hopelessnesses aside
(If just for a little while)
Dear, stop right here
I know we'll follow the bumpy ride
(I'm secretly on your side)
How did you know? It's what I always wanted
Could never have too many of these
Will ya quit kicking me under the table?
I'm trying, will somebody make us shut up about it
Can we settle down please
It's that time of year
Leave all our hopelessnesses aside
(If just for a little while)
Dear, stop right here
I know we'll follow the bumpy ride
(I'm secretly on your side)
Bite tongue, deep breaths
Count to ten, nod your head
I think something is burning now you've ruined the whole thing
Muffle the smoke alarm
Whoever put on this music had better quick, sharp, remove it
Pour me another, oh, don't wag your finger at me
It's that time of year
Leave all our hopelessnesses aside
(If just for a little while)
Dear, stop right here
I know we'll follow the bumpy ride
(I'm secretly on your side)
Get me out of here
Get me out of here
Get me out of here
Just for now
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