Artist-Ryan Gosling
Song of the day- song from Blue Valentine
Wait, yet another song from Ryan Gosling in less than a week?! Is that even possible you might ask? Is he even a musician? Well my gentle viewers, thanks to my dual obsession with movies I stumbled across this trailer today and though the song and from the looks of it, the movie as well are quite depressing, for some reason it made me really happy. I think it has to do with ukulele playing, impromptu street dancing, two awesome actors and oh yeah I love Ryan Gosling. Ukulele players are just hotter than most people, what can I say, we are a rare commodity. But any moment in life that involves outdoor ukulele and random dancing are part of those random rare fantastic moments that I hope you have today,even if you can't find your ukulele or Ryan Gosling.
Ryan Gosling is in the band Dead Man's Bones