Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh, it feels like none of this is real I pretend that my heart and my head are well

Artist- Camera Obscura
Song of the day- Forest and Sands

My friend Blake appreciates good musical finds and is kind enough to share them with me on a regular basis. He made my love for Camera Obscura increase ten fold when he sent this to me. I tend to listen to it on repeat. It has summer sweetness with that hint of sadness, which is pretty much my fav kind of musical cocktail. And as summer officially ends and my fall quarter is in full swing, this chorus sums up my feelings of not adjusting very well. As my friend Suzanne likes to say, "Is this real life?!" As I study psych and are locked in with people (or what my school likes to call clinical rotation) who don't always know hallucinations from reality, I find myself sympathizing with them and understanding where they are coming from all too well. So here's to all of you out there also trying to get your act together and trying to understand what's going on. Let's fake it till we make it!...though maybe not the best advice for my psych patients. Oh well, music is a nice coping mechanism!

I'm in a van, and you're holding my hand
You're traveling with me through forest and sands
I've been innocently learning your language and you've been taking full advantage, haven't you?
Oh, don't say it's true
I've lost a friend, I've been silenced again
And we kissed once
Hey, but that was in lust
I know you need more than giving moments and sentimental stories and words only spoken seemingly
And I won't win your heart that way

Oh, it feels like none of this is real
I pretend that my heart and my head are well
But if the blood pumping through my veins could freeze like a river in Toronto, then I'd be pleased
You said I made you feel warm, said I made you feel warm inside

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