Sunday, September 19, 2010

And love is not convenient; it does not cease at your command. You might take and leave it, but love is all I am.

Artist- Dawes
Song of the day- Love is all I am

I love when my friend Pete gets excited about a band, because I know from our endless list of shared loves, that I too must fall in line with admiration. His newest favorite, along with Rolling Stone and much of the folk community is Dawes. This new trend of male folk groups is quite to my liking for boys with guitars and harmonies is a straight musical line to my heart. But if you are starting to get sick of all the Bon Ivar, Mumford and Sons wannabees, don't pass by Dawes cuz you might miss some most excellent songwriting like today's song. My mom often likes to make me feel bad for getting mad at her constant worrying by retorting, "well I'm sorry I just love you too much." This tends to just get under my skin more but unfortunately I understand where she's coming from. Love is the greatest thing in the world but it can also cause you to obsess and worry and over think and make you look like an idiot and is out of your comfort zone a risk a good chance you'll get crushed, stomped on or at the very least, make you vulnerable. And yet it's all we are. I guess it has to be the best thing in the world if it can also cause all that. So here's to you out there, may you keep being all that you are, even amongst all the crazy it may bring...and no mom this still doesn't give you an excuse to worry.

I need a silent true-way to admire.
Like you as a sunset, and I as a wildfire.
And I can let the day go...

I've locked up these words, in fear that I'd say them wrong.
Is it love as a mountain, or love as a simple song?
And the moment that the two meet
has now laid itself at your feet.

And love is not convenient; it does not cease at your command.
You might take and leave it, but love is all I am.
Love is all I am.

I need a boundless, soft way to commend
Like you as a temper, and I as it's tender end.
And however long your fits last
I will live within your shadow cast.

And love is still your stranger; it does not respect how much you'll stand
You might be love's reminder, but love is all I am.
Love is all am.

I need a graceful, proud way to let go
To smile and accept the things that you don't know
The losses and the gains blurred
The weight of these as last words

And love is not excitement; it's not kissing, or holding hands
I'm not some assignment; no, love is all I am
Love is all I am.
Love is all I am.

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